For years, many people went about keeping poultry on the QT. They didn't make a fuss about their hobby or their love for their feathered friends. Mostly, they were considered odd. Odd ducks, ha ha . Not something to brag to the neighbors about, right?
Imagine their surprise when keeping chickens grew in popularity. A day doesn't go by now where you can pick up a newspaper or magazine article and not read about the latest in raising chickens. TV has gotten on the bandwagon. They love to report about anything "green".
Now people are coming to the quiet chicken farmers and asking for advice about breeds of hens, how many eggs they can expect and how to house their new family members. Instant celebrity!
Now that people are becoming more concerned where their food is coming from, this growth in keeping chickens in backyards will continue to rise. We're aware of our carbon footprint. For me, when I think of how hens are kept in battery cages, I lose my mind!
And let's not forget the eggs. You know what an egg tastes like that you buy from your supermarket. It doesn't really have a "taste". Sort of bland. You need to add lots of spices, right? Now taste an egg from a backyard chicken grower. First the shock of the color. Yolks really are yellow. Who knew? The ones from the grocery stores are more white, aren't they? This should tell you about the crucial difference is the egg quality.
You'll also find the size of the eggs are much bigger. When hens are allowed to live in harmony and be themselves, they produce exquisite eggs. I can't get into where the eggs come from that we buy in the stores because it makes me nuts. I can't go there, but if you want to research it, there are plenty of places to learn about the cruelty in order to make money.
You will also notice that your chickens have personality. They are all unique. This is a wonderful family-oriented hobby to become involved with. It teaches your children character traits they can never learn from books or school. Allow them to take part in all aspects of poultry keeping. And watch them grow in confidence and empathy.
So if you've decided it's time to look into keeping chickens in your backyard, the first thing you'll want to think about is poultry housing. You'll be building a poultry shed. Or chicken coop. Whatever you decide to call their home. That means you'll need shed plans because if you're going to do something, you'll be wanting to do it right the first time. This saves you time and money in the long run.
With your chicken coop plans, Click Here!, you can build the size of shed you'll need to start out with. This is according to the number of chickens you'll keep. If you know you'll be adding to your flock, build a bigger coop right away. If you are only planning on two or three hens, maybe you'll decide on a portable chicken coop.
So with your chicken coop plans, you're on your way to being "green", saving your carbon footprint, taking responsibility for the food you eat and teaching your kids valuable life skills...