Sunday, April 3, 2011

Keeping Chickens: How To Make Sure They Live Stress-Free

One of the most important things in keeping chickens is to look after them properly and help them avoid stress. Why is that?

Stress is a killer. For us and for our feathered friends. Chicken health depends on living as stress-free as possible. Chickens are very sensitive to everything around them. Excess stress can cause serious illness because it lowers the pH in their system. This makes them more prone to disease. Stress hormones also pass to the eggs.

Causes of stress in chickens are much the same as what causes stress in ourselves. Noise is a biggie. Climate change affects them. They don't like to be separated from their own kind. They don't like to be overcrowded. Other animals will upset them. Loud children will have them running for cover.

Steps to take to reduce stress in chicks:

** Make sure their coop is secure and has adequate lighting.

** Make sure they have enough space. No overcrowding!

** Cleanliness of the chicken coop is so important.

** Temperature control. Cool in summer. Warm in winter.

** Have the hens familiar with people. Interact with them everyday. Speak in soothing tones.

** Keep other pets away from the chickens if they are aggressive toward them.

** Make sure the birds have enough food and fresh water available at all times.

** Handle them gently. Never hold them upside down as it frightens them.

** In order to produce fresh eggs, make sure you gather the eggs on a daily basis.

** Provide enough grass for foraging.

** Be sure to provide a roost.

** The most important as far as I'm concerned...Teach children to respect these birds. Nothing makes me angrier than to see kids being cruel and indifferent to any creature. These lessons will go a long way in their lives.

**  Equally crucial is TLC. Give your flock love and attention.

Doing these things will help in keeping chickens stress-free, healthy and happy!