Monday, March 21, 2011

Raising Chickens In The Backyard: What's For Dinner?

Nobody can call chickens picky eaters! If you've decided to raise chickens in your backyard, the least of your concerns will be what to feed them. Because those birds will eat almost anything! I don't mean that in a bad way but the truth is that they'll peck at anything you put before them with great gusto.

Meat, vegetables, dog food, whatever...doesn't matter. They will clean out all manner of insects and worms they can pounce on. Watch your ankles! The food scraps from your own dinner is a very tasty treat for your birds. Same for peelings. This creatures are very cost-efficient. And cute, too! All you need to worry about are vitamins and boosters. And don't forget grains.

You can put the chicken feed in a special container or scatter it around. Don't worry about any of it going to waste. They don't miss a thing. Hens need calcium in their diet for egg laying. From your local feed store you can buy crushed clam shells. Add to their meal.

The foods I advise are feed, pellets, grains and corn. You can never go wrong with this diet or have to worry about their health. There are foods you should never give to chickens.

Chicken. They don't want to eat their own kind. Do you? And health problems could develop.

Apples will cause digestive problems if given all the time. Every couple of weeks is fine. But I stay away from them.

Potato peelings. They don't like the taste of root crops.

Orange peelings are too tough for their systems.

Tomatoes only in small quantities. May affect their droppings. That's why I don't serve 'em at all.

Bananas. They just don't like them.

So you see, there's not too much you have to worry about when it comes to feeding chickens. Only one of the reasons you'll come to love your new feathered friends!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Keeping Chickens: Understanding Their Vocalizations And Pecking Order

All living things have personality characteristics. It's what makes life so darn interesting. From humans to animals. If you're raising chickens, you'll get to see their individual behaviors. Watching this helps you understand their basic needs. That way, you can make their life more enjoyable.


We often think that it's only roosters that do the crowing. Yes, they do. In the morning and throughout the day! But all breeds vocalize. Some more than others. Naturally, smaller breeds of chickens are quieter than larger hens. Roosters crow in the morning to check on their neighbors. If they don't get an answer, they believe a next-door neighbor didn't survive the night and so they'll have new territory to move into.

If they hear another rooster crow, they'll reply. Things can get quite noisy around these guys. When they are challenged, they'll crow. When they think danger has passed, they'll crow. Any reason is good enough for them to do their thing.

Just before a rooster crows, he'll flap his wings. He wants the world to know he's fit and vigorous. Look at me! When a rooster is courting, he'll call hens to let them know he's found an interesting treat. They know what's really on his mind...but if they accept the food, the rooster will preen and waltz around the hen before attempting to mate. If the hen is agreeable to the advances, she'll go into a squatting position. If not, she'll grab the treat and make a run for it.

Males can become quite aggressive during the breeding season which is spring and summer. Don't let children get close to them. They like to feel they can beat up on humans. If you want to keep an aggressive bird for breeding, it's best to house it away in an enclosure that you don't need to enter too often.

Chickens have a lot of unique sounds. You'll hear a soft growl-like sound when they are broody. After laying an egg, they'll cackle. When calling their youngsters to food, they go "took, took, took". When they sense danger or become afraid, they will screech.

To minimize the sound, you can place the most noisy ones in a dark box at night. Something soundproof works. Return the birds to the run in the morning. Having the chicken coop in an area which has a lot of vegetation will mute the noise. Planting bamboo and conifers is a big help. Wind chimes are distracting as well.

Pecking Order

Yes, it's true. Even the chicken world likes order. It works like a chain. The dominant hen will peck all the hens down the line. In other words, the ones beneath her. The second in line can peck below but not a chicken higher up than herself. They work this out amongst themselves. Once the pecking order is established, all is well in the hen house.

When a new hen is introduced, you'll see the bullies. Adding more than one hen at a time makes things easier on the new kids on the block. It's a good idea to have them all meet through wire mesh at first so they can get to know each other.

Be sure to provide a place where the new arrivals will feel safe and where they can hide from the bullies. Add extra perches and consider removing the dominant bird to a different enclosure until the newcomers are well established.

It sounds cruel but that's the way it is. The established flock resents the new birds. So once the new chickens find out where they are in the pecking order, life will settle down. Make sure there's plenty of space in the run. This will go a long way in providing peace in the introduction process.

Keeping and raising chickens opens up a whole new world of delight.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Keeping Chickens: How To Pick Up And Handle Hens Properly

So you've decided you want to start keeping chickens. Or you already have them but want to know how to handle them in the right way. Here we go...

*  When you go to pick up a chicken, place one hand over the top of the bird. This keeps them from flapping their wings. Saves on your nerves and the bird's!

*  Place your other hand underneath the bird. Put middle finger between the legs. Then use fingers on either side to hold the chicken's legs. Firmly but gently. This stops any struggling.

*  Use thumb and little finger to hold tips of the wings still.

*  Rest the bird's breastbone over your forearm.

*  Hold close to your body. The bird will feel more secure. And they'll wiggle around a lot less!

Once you and your feathered friend get used to each other, it will become easier. Good luck.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Keeping Chickens: Build A Chicken Coop For A Home Sweet Home For Your Chicks

No matter what someone tells you about the quality of something you're planning to purchase, it goes a long way if you can hear from a satisfied customer. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. Whenever I buy a product, especially if it's online, I perform my due diligence.

When it comes to buying chicken coop plans, you should do the same. Keeping chickens is more than a hobby for you and your family. It's a labor of love. And you love and respect your chickens. You only want the best for them. So if you are looking to buy chicken coop plans, here's a testimonial from a happy customer you'll be interested in reading....

"My chickens are happy with their new home..."

"Have you been planning to make a cozy, comfortable and tidy coop for your chickens? Well, follow the guidelines in this wonderful resource! My chickens are happy with their new home! Bill's book helped me make a well-planned, easy-to-clean-and-maintain coop for my chickens. I got practical tips on locating, positioning, protecting and maintaining the climate in the coop.

Like me, it will help you too to choose the appropriate size, building design and materials for construction. This book not only helps you save while you build, but also enjoy the freedom to customize the coop to your individual specifications and needs.

With valuable inputs on light and ventilation, I was able to ensure that the coop position was such that it allowed enough light in, but did not make the coop drafty.

I particularly enjoyed the creative and innovative ideas thrown in about building low cost nesting boxes with material lying around the house. It set me exploring my own creativity and resourcefulness! An informative and easy to follow read, this book will guide you in building your own coop at a fraction of the cost of purchasing one! "

Rachana Misra - Go Green Farms™ Owner

If you want to be a satisfied customer, take a look at these chicken coop plans...

Click Here To Be Satisfied With Your Chicken Coop Plans!

Keeping Chickens: Preventing Health Problems

Just as with keeping ourselves healthy, the same is for our chickens. Prevention is far better than having to cure a disease. So where do we start? Good husbandry is important implementing good preventive measures to help keep illness and disease at bay and mortality rates low in our feathered friends.

Signs of a sick bird:

# Sneezing
# Lost of Appetite
# Tiredness
# Mites and Parasites
# Bloody droppings

When it comes to your chicken's safety, a good sturdy coop goes a long way in ensuring their health. Have good wire mash covering the windows and run to  keep out predators but be sure to bury it at least a foot underground to prevent them burrowing their way in.

During hot weather provide plenty of drinking water to avoid heat stress, and heating if necessary during winter. Also certain chicken breeds combs and wattles are susceptible to frost bite. Protect their combs with petroleum jelly.

But if your chickens could talk, they would tell you, "Home Sweet Home" is where it's at and you can find chicken coop plans at...Click Here!

Chicken Hatching Video

Friday, March 11, 2011

Keeping Chickens: What Type Of Chicken Coop Will You Need?

You've decided you are going to be keeping chickens. Now you're wondering what type of chicken coop you'll be needing. There are many chicken coop plans to choose from but you want the one that is the best fit for your needs. You'll be spending money on your poultry shed so you want to take your time to make the right choice.

So what type of coop should you build? The following guidelines will lead you down the right path to choosing wisely and being fully satisfied with your new chicken coop once it's built.


There are small, medium  and large hen house plans. It all depends on the number of chickens you'll be keeping. The biggest mistake people make is trying to cram too many chickens into your coop. We don't like to feel like a sardine in a can. Neither do the chickens. They need space to live comfortably. They'll be happier and lay eggs properly.

If anything, you should go bigger instead of smaller. That way you'll be able to add more birds later on. Check out the link below for some excellent chicken coop plans...

Chicken Coop Designs!


Portable chicken coops, of course, give you the advantage of being able to move it around to wherever you are, so if you're someone who will be keeping chickens as pets, this makes for a very attractive option.

mobile chicken coop allows for easier maintenance since you can simply move the chicken coop to wherever you need to clean it.

If you're looking for something with a little more structural integrity you should choose fixed chicken housing. These are built sturdier so that they are able to withstand wear and tear. And all kinds of weather conditions.


Those nasty predators. We do have to think about them as we don't want harm to come to our chickens. This will affect your decision on what type of chicken coop to make as well. Ideally you should have a very solid fencing system to keep all varieties of predators out. The chicken fencing will have to be built to match the size of the coop as well.


What do you want your chicken coop to look like?  There are a number of different ways you can build the chicken coop which will impact the overall design. This will also likely influence the cost of the building process, so it's something to think about so you can work within your budget.

There are definitely cheaper methods to building a chicken coop, so understanding the different things that will influence the cost is the first step to making a smart decision. You can get very creative with the appearance of your poultry shed. I've see a few that look like doll houses!

So, be sure you're factoring these points in as you decide which type of chicken coop you wish to build. Getting the information up front before you start to build will help save you hundreds of dollars over the long run.

Find Your Chicken Coop Plans Here!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Keeping Chickens Warm: Baby, Its Cold Outside

We don't like to be cold and neither do our chickens. We must keep them warm especially in cold weather. The chicken coop needs to be solid. It has to be dry and they don't want drafts ruffling their feathers, either.

You'll want to put a good layer of straw on the ground to help with insulation. In winter, the windows of the coop should have Plexiglas over the chicken wire to prevent cold drafts. This will still allow in light.

Now for the chicken roost. What would you rather put your bare feet on when it's cold? Plastic, metal or wood? Exactly. The chicken's feet will stay warm if the roost is made of wood.

Make sure they have a supply of fresh, unfrozen water. You can immerse a heater inside the water container or under it so that the temperature stays above freezing. A commercial broiler/layer feed can provide the chickens with energy for maintaining body warmth.

You may notice that chickens will huddle together when cold. They'll fluff their feathers and tuck their heads under their wings. Combs are susceptible to frostbite. Losing a comb is painful. You don't want this to happen.

Regulate the Temperature

Putting chickens in a room that is heated can be quite hazardous due to the considerable contrast between the outside and inside temperatures. An additional adverse effect concerns bacteria which are normally kept controlled as a result of the cold.

These bacteria are capable of flourishing in the moistened heat and can cause complications in the lungs of chickens. If the cold is extreme, a high temperature lamp may be improvised to ensure that the coop’s ambient temperature is nearer to freezing, but the coop should not be warmed up.

Although there is a chicken breed that is specifically bred to lay in winter, it is common for most hens to stop or decrease their egg production during the winter season. In this kind of weather, the eggs have to be picked more frequently otherwise they may freeze and break.

Insulating the Chicken Coop

Although free ranging of chickens is more beneficial than controlled housing, it generally results in their exposure to adverse weather conditions, which results in lower egg production. If you insulate the ceiling and walls of the coop, you have the additional benefit of moderate temperatures.

If you want to save money on insulation, heavy cardboard can be nailed to the inside of the coop’s ceiling and walls. This provides additional warmth while equally protecting the chickens from drafts. Ample ventilation should be provided for the chickens to ensure their health is good and it also lowers the coop’s humidity. It is preferable for the coop to have an adjustable window that provides fresh air although care should be exercised to make certain that the coop does not get excessively drafty.

It is good to note that due to the high resilience of mature chickens, they are capable of favorably withstanding low temperatures. Chickens are actually more susceptible to extreme hot conditions than to cold, as long as there is a provision of basic shelter.

For plans that will provide your chicks with good, safe housing, get  Chicken Coop Plans!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Poultry Keeping Is Booming! Raising Chickens In Your Backyard Is Now Cool!

For years, many people went about keeping poultry on the QT. They didn't make a fuss about their hobby or their love for their feathered friends. Mostly, they were considered odd. Odd ducks, ha ha . Not something to brag to the neighbors about, right?

Imagine their surprise when keeping chickens grew in popularity. A day doesn't go by now where you can pick up a newspaper or magazine article and not read about the latest in raising chickens. TV has gotten on the bandwagon. They love to report about anything "green".

Now people are coming to the quiet chicken farmers and asking for advice about breeds of hens, how many eggs they can expect and how to house their new family members. Instant celebrity!

Now that people are becoming more concerned where their food is coming from, this growth in keeping chickens in backyards will continue to rise. We're aware of our carbon footprint. For me, when I think of how hens are kept in battery cages, I lose my mind!

And let's not forget the eggs. You know what an egg tastes like that you buy from your supermarket. It doesn't really have a "taste". Sort of bland. You need to add lots of spices, right? Now taste an egg from a backyard chicken grower. First the shock of the color. Yolks really are yellow. Who knew? The ones from the grocery stores are more white, aren't they? This should tell you about the crucial difference is the egg quality.

You'll also find the size of the eggs are much bigger. When hens are allowed to live in harmony and be themselves, they produce exquisite eggs. I can't get into where the eggs come from that we buy in the stores because it makes me nuts. I can't go there, but if you want to research it, there are plenty of places to learn about the cruelty in order to make money.

You will also notice that your chickens have personality. They are all unique. This is a wonderful family-oriented hobby to become involved with. It teaches your children character traits they can never learn from books or school. Allow them to take part in all aspects of poultry keeping. And watch them grow in confidence and empathy.

So if you've decided it's time to look into keeping chickens in your backyard, the first thing you'll want to think about is poultry housing. You'll be building a poultry shed. Or chicken coop. Whatever you decide to call their home. That means you'll need shed plans because if you're going to do something, you'll be wanting to do it right the first time. This saves you time and money in the long run.

With your chicken coop plansClick Here!, you can build the size of shed you'll need to start out with. This is according to the number of chickens you'll keep. If you know you'll be adding to your flock, build a bigger coop right away. If you are only planning on two or three hens, maybe you'll decide on a portable chicken coop.

So with your chicken coop plans, you're on your way to being "green", saving your carbon footprint, taking responsibility for the food you eat and teaching your kids valuable life skills...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chicken Coops: Maintenance Or A Little TLC Goes A Long Way

Your chicken coops are built and they are works of art. Be proud. In order to keep the chicken housing in the top of the line state you and your chickens enjoy now, you'll have to do your share of TLC. In other words, maintenance.

As with anything, the chicken coop will disintegrate over time if it's not looked after. We do too! So you just have to stay on top of things. Keep your eyes open and do repairs as soon as you notice the need. If you don't let things slide, you'll enjoy your project for years to come.

Things To Pay Attention To


This is one area of the coop which is in constant movement. As with any door. Since you're going in and out to feed and look after the chickens, keep special notice and maintain regularly.

Notice if the latch becomes loose. If it does, fix ASAP. You don't want your feathered friends escaping and getting in harm's way. If the latch you have is constantly causes problems, replace it with something more solid.


So important to monitor at least once a month. Check the structure and stability of the chicken fencing. If you have predators that come around, rest assured, they'll be watching for any signs of weakness.


Chicken feeders are used on a daily basis, so you must keep a close eye on them. Also watch how your chickens are responding to the feeder height. They may like it lower or higher than you placed it. You want them to get to their food in comfort.

These are just some of the things to maintain in your chicken coop. Do this and both you and the birds will be comfortable and happy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Building A Chicken Coop: Now It's Time To Accessorize The Interior!

Who doesn't love to accessorize? Whether it's home decorating, our own wardrobe or yes...even our beloved chicken coops. Accessories just make for a higher quality of life.

When you have figured out the basics for building the chicken coop, you'll want to plan for the accessories. These add to your chicken's comfort level which brings more fresh eggs. Happy chickens are happy egg-laying chickens.

Since there are many accessories you can add to your coop which is your preference, we'll cover the basics because these are important to the health of the hens and the housing.

Accessories To Die For


You'll want to choose a good chicken feeder for your chicken coop. This gives them easy access to food to make sure they're eating properly. Naturally this is vital for their overall growth and egg development.

Also look at the specific height you place the feeder in the house as this too can influence how comfortably they are able to get to their food. Consider having a slightly raised feeder so they aren't able to scratch dirt around and into the feeder.


You can get chicken nesting boxes in a variety of different shapes and sizes and can build them out of many common materials you have around the house such as a large plastic pail or an old wooden box.

The rule of thumb is that you should have one nesting box for every 2-4 hens and they should be relatively dark and cosy inside. It's also a good idea to build the top of the nesting box on a bit of an angle to discourage them from sleeping on top of the box.


Having a good chicken waterier inside the coop will help make sure your chickens have a good supply of fresh water on a regular basis. Again, just like we need. You can use many items you have right around the house to help cut down on the cost and make it more convenient for you.

If you are building a larger sized chicken coop it will be a good idea to include two wateriers if you can to give your chickens a bit more access to fresh water when they need it. As with the feeders, try to place them so they aren't able to scratch a lot of dirt into the water.


Put your chickens on a pedestal. You'll want to have a good chicken perch for your coop. This will help your chickens to get a good night's sleep so they are better able to lay their eggs. We know how important rest is!

And have enough perches so the chickens will have their space and not have to fight for room. Make the perches wide enough in the beginning because as the chickens grow, they'll need more room to sleep comfortably.

You'll be surprised with how much you'll grow to love your new family members. These accessories are important for them. Make sure you build a chicken coop with enough room for them to move around and enjoy their living quarters. No overcrowding for your birds. You are not a slum lord.

You'll also want to check out the bonuses you'll get with "Building A Chicken Coop". Bonus #2: "How to build nesting boxes for free out of common materials." Check all the bonuses out right here...

Click Here!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chicken Coops: The Hottest Location For The Hen House

A very important thing to consider when planning on raising chickens besides building a chicken coop is where you should position their housing. This is because the placement of the hen house will determine how many eggs your chickens will lay and therefore, how happy you'll be. Needless to say, your chickens will be happier as well.

You all want to be happy in the years to come so you'll want to put a lot of consideration into placement. And selecting the perfect spot. As many things will be affected.

Things To Consider


The first thing you have to think about are predatory animals. I wrote more about that in my last February post. This is why I like to place a chicken coop close by to where you are so you can keep a better eye on them.

If you have a very large farm, you may only have certain areas of your yard that encounter animals, so choosing to place the coop as far away from that would be a very smart move.


Just like ourselves, our chickens are affected by climate. Do you live in a very hot area? How about the rainfall in your location?

If you get rain frequently, you may consider building the chicken coop in an area that is more protected by nearby trees, helping to reduce the amount of direct rain that hits the house. You'll also want to place your coop in an area of the yard that doesn't have water accumulating around their housing.

For example, if you have water running down a grade of land, you don't want the coop at the bottom of the hill. Then you'll have a flood or a puddle for the birds. And a wet chicken is an unhappy chicken.

Do you live in a windy area? This is another reason for building the chicken coop in a treed area or around buildings so the housing will be shielded from high winds. Don't confuse wind with good ventilation in the coop. Wind blown chicks are miserable chicks.


Chickens require a good amount of natural sunlight in order to lay eggs effectively. So you'll want to build your chicken coop in an area that's well lit and faces the sun. Another reason to take advantage of the sunlight is to use less electric light which as you know can become costly.

So keep all these things in mind when deciding where to place your hen's new home. You will all be happy in the long run.

Can't wait to get started? Then get your chicken coop plans today by visiting the link below:

Chicken Coop Plans!