Monday, April 1, 2013

Raising Chickens On The Cheap

When a lot of people think about raising chickens in the backyard,
they think they have to spend great sums of money to get started.
They check out catalogs with fancy-smancy chicken coops,
chicken tractors, feeders and all the doo-dads one can possibly

Yes, these all look very enticing. But when they are shipped to
your door, you'll have a pile of flat lumber and some nails.
Nothing like the pretty pictures you were looking over.

There's no need to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to
keep your chickens happy. All they want is sound shelter and food.

When you decide to build your own chicken coop, you get to
decide the kind of lumber you want. You won't need to spend
money to get the latest water dish when any dish will do. All
the hens care about is having a supply of clean, fresh water.

You can make your own nesting boxes. No need to order
from the retail store. In fact, once your chickens have the
house to keep them safe from predators and protection from
the elements, they are quite happy.

And you'll be happy to DIY and save a ton of money!