The Healthy Chicken Checklist
** You'll want bright chickens who are active. They should have good posture. Not looking like they're on their last legs.
** The eyes are also the window to the soul when it comes to chickens. Look into them. The eyes should be bright with the color of the iris matching in both eyes. The eyes should not look all bubbly and wet. Yech!
** There shouldn't be any mucus in the nostrils. You can place your head to the bird's back and listen. You don't want to hear any wheezing sounds. You know, sounds like you make yourself if you have an upper respiratory infection.
** The sinuses, just above the nostrils should not be puffy. Just like you if you have a sinus infection.
** Ears should be clear of infection. If there is cheese-like matter in the ears, be warned.
** Look at the comb. Although some breeds have naturally darker-colored combs, the comb should be bright and not shriveled up.
** Check the legs. You don't want to see raised, scaly patches. Legs should be smooth.
** Look at the vent area. That's where you'd expect it to be. Where we all vent. The backside. Dirt in this area could indicate mites or lice.
** Now you should handle the bird. Each side of the breastbone should have a reasonable covering of flesh. Lighter breeds will have less coverage but the breastbone shouldn't be prominent with no flesh on the sides.
** Crests, at the top of the head, shouldn't have signs of northern fowl mite.
I know this sounds complicated but it is worth your time. Take along someone who knows chickens if you don't feel confident in the signs to look for. You don't want to get attached to your feathered friends only to find out they are ill.
In many ways it is common sense. If a bird looks vibrant and healthy, it is! Good luck.