Building A Chicken Coop!
You've decided to get a few chickens. Of course, you want the proper place to house them in. You want your chickens to be happy or you won't see them laying eggs on a regular basis.
So take the time to think of these things which will save you money and time in the long run.
*** Windows
Windows are the primary light source for your chicken coop. You have to plan before you start to build because you want them in the correct position. Cut the windows in the walls before building the coop. Think which direction will give the most natural sunlight.
*** Predators
Unfortunately there are predators and this will influence the type of design. Whatever plan you use, make sure it addresses the issue so your chickens are safe.
*** Primary Light Source
If you live in a location that doesn’t get a lot of natural sunlight, you'll have to think about wiring in some electrical light. Chickens do not respond well when they are not getting enough light, whether it’s sunlight or electrical light, so find a way to make sure your coop is well lit.
Electrical light can get to be rather expensive so usually it’s better to avoid this if you can, but in some cases that just isn’t possible.
*** Ventilation
This is crucial! For your chickens and for you! The air must stay fresh. Your chickens won't be any happier in a smelly coop than you would be. Make sure the plans for building a chicken coop address this important issue.
Click Here For The Best Chicken Coop Designs!