You've decided you want to raise chickens.
Now you have to determine the perfect breed of chicken. You'll do that by identifying what it is you want from your chickens.
Is it for the delicious, fresh, pure eggs? Is it for the meat? Or is it both? When people get interested in raising chickens, they are surprised to learn there are over 100 different varieties of chickens to choose from. They are grouped into 12 classes with nearly 60 breeds.
Yup, right there I was overwhelmed. I mean, who knew? But you will learn.
First, when choosing a breed, you have to think of their needs. Some birds require extra care and attention. Some examples...
Bantam Chickens:
A quarter of the size of the larger fowl.
Needs less space.
Less feed.
Used for exhibitions.
Good family pets.
Extra care need with some varieties.
Leghorn, Rhode Island Red and Wyandotte
These are the breeds if you want to see a lot of eggs.
Back later to tell more. Don't want an overload of info...
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