Of utmost importance in raising and tending chickens is to keep their housing clean! You want happy and healthy birds so here are some tips to keep in mind.
Dropping boards should be used and cleaned daily so your weekly cleaning chore goes easier and faster. These boards are used to collect the bird's droppings. Birds produce most of their droppings at night while roosting so if you place a board or tray under their perch, the clean up is a snap!
... Clean weekly
When building a chicken coop, make sure you have a good-sized doorway. This will make your cleaning job much easier. Having the right tools is essential. A short-handled shovel and a hand-held hoe is very useful. This way you can remove the old litter from the corners as well.
If you have more than one hen house, be sure to spray-clean the tools so you don't spread parasites between the houses.
Replace their bedding. Provide a good layer especially during winter months.
Wash their feeding troughs and water fonts regularly. If the fonts are raised off the ground, the hens won't be scratching dirt into the water. A purpose-built hopper will give them a regular supply of food without the birds being able to scatter it around.
Many things can be done for you and your hens to help you both be happier and more contented! For more advice on raising chickens, I highly recommend...
How To Raise Chickens Successfully!